Services provided in patent infringement cases include the analysis and construction of models of economic damages, (e.g., lost profits, reasonable royalty, established royalty, and others), the analysis of other economic issues (e.g., the “Georgia-Pacific” criterion, collateral sales, etc.), and the presentation of expert testimony.
Case engagements have been integral to the following products and methods:
- Float collars and cement plugs used in well cementing operations (Houston firm)
- Specialty treatment chemicals used in oil and gas production operations (Houston firm)
- Chemical fertilizers (Houston firm)
- Formation fracture ceramic proppants (Houston firm)
- Rupture discs and associated safety system equipment used in petrochemical processing, petroleum refining, food processing, and other applications (Houston firm)
- Rod guides and stabilizer bars used in progressive cavity pump driven artificial lift operations (Dallas firm)
- Oil and gas well fishing tools and associated equipment (Baton Rouge firm)
- Plastic laminates used on counter tops (Houston firm)
- A herbicide used in rice farming (Houston firm)
- Oil and gas formation perforating guns and associated equipment. (Houston firm)
- Decorative moldings (Houston firm)
- Threaded pipe connections for oil well casing and drill pipe (Houston firm)
- Carrier structures for vertical blind assemblies (Houston firm)
- Oil country tubular goods (OCTG – production tubing, drill pipe, casing) handling equipment. This was a patent fraud action. (Houston firm)
- Mattress covers. (Houston firm)
- Specialized putters for golf ball retrieval (New York firm)
- Roof ridge row, and off-ridge air vents (New York firm)
- Hand tool sets (El Paso firm)
- Wireless phone technology (New York firm)
- Television media systems in subway rail cars (New York firm)
- Diabetes management system for blood glucose monitoring (New York firm)
- USB charging system integral to luggage (New York firm)
- Specialized roof vents (New York firm)