Services provided include the analysis and construction of models of economic damages, the analysis of causes of action considerations, engineering analysis, statistical/mathematical analysis, and the presentation of expert testimony.
Case engagements have been integral to the following products, services, resources and events:
- Gasoline station leasing, in a Petroleum Marketing Practices Act (PMPA) case (Fort Lauderdale firm)
- Chemical cargo contamination in loading/unloading ship hold tanks and/or shore tanks at various world ports, in a maritime case (Chicago firm)
- Chemical cargo contamination in loading/unloading ship hold tanks and/or shore tanks at a Houston terminal facility (Houston firm)
- Petroleum land leasing, in a seismic trespass case (Houston firm)
- Plastic pipe and fittings, plastic/fiberglass bath fixtures, and related products, in a products liability case (Houston firm)
- Industrial construction services, in certain federal government projects, in a slander case (Lake Charles firm)
- Pipeline metering and calibrating equipment patents valuation, in a bankruptcy case (Houston firm)
- Industrial accident resulting in damage to petrochemical plant processing equipment, loss of feedstocks, intermediates, and product, in a products liability case (Houston firm)
- Texas Gulf Coast shrimp fishery market, in a maritime accident case (Houston firm)
- Commercial and industrial construction services, based on a loss of bonding capacity, in a slander case (Baton Rouge firm)
- Various biochemicals integral to a patent estate, in a legal malpractice case (New Orleans case)
- Medical services, in a racial discrimination case (Houston firm)
- Executive compensation and valuation of closely-held securities in a constructive termination case (Houston firm)
- Employee compensation in a retaliatory discharge case (Houston firm)
- Prepared a critical analysis of the 5th Circuit Court rulings, pertaining to economy issues, in the Culver case (a maritime wrongfu1 death action under the Jones Act), and conducted comparative economic analysis of the Penrod and Alaska decisions (In house counsel, major energy firm)
- Oil and gas field equipment markets, in a personal injury case. (Reno firm)
- Analysis of conditions pertaining to a natural gas explosion, resulting in an accident, in a personal injury case (Houston firm)
- Analysis of conditions pertaining to the failure of a street light pullhole cover, resulting in an accident, in a personal injury case (Houston firm)
- Mexican food restaurant services, in a personal injury case. (Houston firm)
- Funeral home services, in a domestic action (Gonzales, TX firm)
- Preliminary analysis of various economic issues pertaining to a coal mine fire (Salt Lake City firm)
- Analysis of economic issues pertaining to the incidence of cerebral palsy, in a medical malpractice case (Houston firm)
- Analysis of damages to commercial buildings due to impingement by windborne hydrated lime (Houston casualty insurance firm)
- Loss of earnings due to sexual harassment in a legal malpractice action (Houston firm)
- Loss of pulpwood and sawtimber from a Southern pine plantation due to fire (Rock Hill, NY insurance firm)
- Athletic footwear market, in a legal malpractice case. (Houston firm)
- Planned urban community development, and golf course and country club operations in an unconstitutional taking case pursuant to the 5th and 14th Amendments to the U. S. Constitution. (Oklahoma City firm)
- Loss of personal earnings and benefits value in an age discrimination case. (Orlando firm)
- Private/special school operations, in a deceptive trade practices case. (Houston firm)
- Loss of personal earnings and benefits value in a defamation and slander case. (Houston firm)
- Dental services, in a deceptive trade practices and breach of warranty case. (Dallas firm)
- Formation fracture ceramic proppants, in a tortious interference with a contract, and a tortious interference with prospective business relations case. (Houston firm)
- Portable roof mounted pipe hanging, walkways, and related equipment, in a legal malpractice case. (Houston firm)
- Maquiladora operations, in a personal injury case. (Houston firm)
- New housing market, in a negligent misrepresentation case. (Fort Worth firm)
- Directional drilling mud motors, in a single business enterprise doctrine case. (New Orleans firm)
- Taxi services business interruption due to a tropical storm in a major metropolitan area. (Philadelphia claims management firm)
- Analysis of specific fishery in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, in unconstitutional taking case (Toledo firm)
- Electronic gaming equipment in an unfair competition case (New York firm)
- Analysis of oyster fisherman losses in a wrongful death case (Houston firm)
- Evaluation of securities of a closely held firm, and of benefits disgorgement, in a fraud and breach of fiduciary duty case (Austin firm)
- Class action case pertaining to a faulty component of a certain make and models of an automobile (Lafayette and New Orleans firms)
In addition, there have been numerous personal injury, wrongful death, and related actions, in which economic loss analysis has addressed the issues of personal incomes, the provision of household/personal automotive repair and maintenance services, the provision of housewife and child care services, and related matters.